Thank you for reading and happy holidays! Please also take a moment to share this post on your social media and with your family and friends in Second Life so we can get a wide variety of answers. I’m looking forward to reading your responses. I hope you guys take a moment to answer the polls and then the questions in the comments. As for the future, I am hoping for more Bento heads with a lot more fun expressions so we can really go back to customizing our avatars the way we used to be able to with the default avatars. I have downloaded many bento viewers and tried many different bento rigged body parts, most of which you can see in this post. For my male avatar, these days I prefer the Signature body and head. The Maitreya body is just the one I feel most comfortable in and I think it has a very sleek and easy HUD design. But when it comes to selection of skins and cool new updates and such, Catwa is definitely in the lead so I often reach for those ones. I just love the expressions those heads have, and I love the quality of their HUDs. For my female avatar I use the Maitreya Lara body most of the time and often use Catwa heads but I think my most favorite heads are from LeLutka. I’ll take a moment to answer these questions myself. What kind of mesh body parts or updates are you hoping to see on the grid in 2017?.Have you downloaded a Bento compatible viewer and tried any Bento rigged body parts as of yet? If so, which body parts have you tried and from which brands?.Which mesh body and head do you use currently and why? Is there another body or head you would prefer to use but don’t because of convenience, cost, or another reason?.Now I have three questions that I would love for you guys to answer in the comments of this post: The following questions will revolve around human avatars only, multiple selections are allowed and if I missed any brands in the polls, please add them in the “other” section and I will add them to the poll. I’m going to include male mesh body parts this time as well. I’m kind of nosy and love to read people’s thoughts and opinions, so here goes. I just want to get a conversation started and see how people are feeling about their mesh body parts these days.
#Set up avastar bento rig for belleza series
I am going to have a few polls but after that I also want to ask a series of questions of which I would love if you guys responded to in the comments. I figured now that Bento is official and there are many more mesh bodies and heads on the market, this would be a good time to do another survey to end the 2016 year with. The last time I did any kind of mesh body survey was back in June 2015.